Cisco 300-910 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

DevNet Specialist Dumps, 300-910 Dumps, Cisco DEVOPS PDF, 300-910 PDF, DevNet Specialist VCE, Cisco DevNet Specialist Questions PDF, Cisco Exam VCE, Cisco 300-910 VCE, DevNet Specialist Cheat SheetBefore you write the Cisco DevNet Specialist (300-910) certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions. These Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist DevOps (DEVOPS) sample questions and demo exam help you in removing these doubts and prepare you to take the test.

The best approach to pass your Cisco 300-910 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Cisco 300-910 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices using Cisco Platforms (DEVOPS) exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Cisco 300-910 (DEVOPS) Sample Questions:

01. Which of the following tools is commonly used for implementing a CI/CD pipeline?
a) Git
b) Jenkins
c) Docker
d) Kubernetes
02. Which deployment strategy involves releasing a new version of the software to a small subset of users for testing before rolling it out to all users?
a) Canary
b) Rollbacks
c) Blue/green
d) A/B testing
03. Which type of issue can occur when there is a mismatch between the versions of the tools used in the CI/CD pipeline?
a) Code-based failures
b) Pipeline issues
c) Tool incompatibility
d) Testing framework issues
04. How would you deploy multiple microservice applications?
a) Running each microservice on a separate physical server
b) Running each microservice in a separate container or virtual machine
c) Combining all microservices into a single monolithic application
d) Deploying each microservice on a different cloud provider
05. Which of the following is an important consideration when evaluating microservices and container architecture diagrams for security?
a) Code complexity
b) Development speed
c) Performance
d) Isolation and access control
06. How is an Ansible playbook different from a Terraform configuration?
a) An Ansible playbook is used for application deployment, while a Terraform configuration is used for infrastructure provisioning
b) An Ansible playbook and a Terraform configuration serve the same purpose
c) An Ansible playbook uses a declarative approach, while a Terraform configuration uses an imperative approach
d) An Ansible playbook is specific to Windows environments, while a Terraform configuration is used for Linux environments
07. Which of the following is a configuration management tool used to automate infrastructure services?
a) Docker
b) Jenkins
c) Ansible
d) Git
08. In a CI/CD pipeline, what is the purpose of a pre-check validation of the network state?
a) To ensure that the network is available and stable before deploying the application
b) To check for any network configuration issues that may impact the application deployment
c) To measure network performance and latency for optimizing application delivery
d) To validate the network's compatibility with the CI/CD pipeline tools
09. Which element of log and metric systems is used to identify performance issues in real-time?
a) Log analysis
b) Data visualization
c) Metric collection
d) Streaming telemetry logs
10. How can an application and infrastructure be secured during production and testing in a CI/CD pipeline?
(Select two correct answers)
a) Implementing encryption for sensitive data at rest and in transit
b) Implementing continuous security testing and vulnerability scanning
c) Implementing secure network protocols such as HTTPS
d) Enforcing strict access controls and authentication mechanisms


Question: 01

Answer: b

Question: 02

Answer: a

Question: 03

Answer: c

Question: 04

Answer: b

Question: 05

Answer: d

Question: 06

Answer: a

Question: 07

Answer: c

Question: 08

Answer: b

Question: 09

Answer: d

Question: 10

Answer: b, d

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