Fortinet NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

NSE 6 FortiWeb Dumps, NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 Dumps, Fortinet NSE 6 FortiWeb PDF, NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 PDF, NSE 6 FortiWeb VCE, Fortinet NSE 6 FortiWeb Questions PDF, Fortinet Exam VCE, Fortinet NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 VCE, NSE 6 FortiWeb Cheat SheetBefore you write the Fortinet NSE 6 FortiWeb (NSE 6 - FWB 6.4) certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions. These Fortinet Certified Professional - Public Cloud Security (NSE 6 FortiWeb) sample questions and demo exam help you in removing these doubts and prepare you to take the test.

The best approach to pass your Fortinet NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Fortinet NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Fortinet Fortinet NSE 6 - FortiWeb 6.4 exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Fortinet NSE 6 - FWB 6.4 (NSE 6 FortiWeb) Sample Questions:

01. Which two FortiWeb operation modes support machine learning?
(Choose two.)
a) Transparent proxy
b) Offline protection
c) True transparent proxy
d) Reverse proxy
02. In order for FortiWeb to provide the best possible protection for servers, how should you deploy it?
a) In-line, without FortiGate, deployed in true transparent mode.
b) In-line, in front of FortiGate, deployed in offline protection mode.
c) In a one-arm topology, deployed in transparent mode.
d) In-line, behind FortiGate, deployed in reverse proxy mode.
03. In which two ways does FortiWeb handle traffic that does not match any defined policies?
(Choose two.)
a) In reverse-proxy mode, the traffic is denied.
b) In transparent mode, the traffic is passed through.
c) In true transparent mode, ip-forward should be enabled to deny the traffic.
d) In offline protection mode, the traffic is dropped with a TCP reset.
04. Which operation mode requires additional configuration in order to allow FTP traffic into your web server?
a) True transparent proxy
b) Transparent inspection
c) Reverse proxy
d) Offline protection
05. Under which circumstance would you not use compression on FortiWeb?
a) When the file is too big for the FortiWeb buffer.
b) When the server is too heavily tasked.
c) When the available bandwidth is low.
d) When the client Internet connections are slow.
06. In which operation mode does FortiWeb offer both the ability to offload SSL as well as re-encrypt SSL?
a) Reverse proxy
b) Offline protection
c) Transparent inspection
d) True transparent proxy
07. What are two advantages of using the URL rewriting and redirecting feature on FortiWeb?
(Choose two.)
a) It enhances security by redirecting all requests to a private IP address.
b) It reduces the number of requests, which reduces the risk of man-in-the-middle attacks.
c) It prevents the disclosure of underlying technology to clients.
d) It reduces server load by reducing the number of clients being served by a single web server.
08. Which command allows you to temporarily terminate a process that is consuming excessive amounts of resources?
a) execute sys kill <processes id>
b) diagnose sys kill <process id>
c) execute sys terminate <process id>
d) diagnose sys terminate <process id>
09. Which three statements about HTTPS on FortiWeb are true?
(Choose three.)
a) For TLS inspection, you must upload the server certificate and key to FortiWeb.
b) In transparent inspection mode, FortiWeb supports the same cipher suites as reverse proxy mode.
c) In reverse proxy mode, FortiWeb can re-encrypt connections to the protected web servers.
d) You can choose which SSL/TLS protocol versions are supported by FortiWeb when clients connect to a virtual server.
10. When user tracking is configured, how does FortiWeb identify which users to track?
a) FortiWeb tracks only users identified by FortiWeb admin.
b) FortiWeb tracks only users logged in during an attack.
c) FortiWeb tracks admin users.
d) FortiWeb tracks only users that have logged in successfully.


Question: 01

Answer: c, d

Question: 02

Answer: d

Question: 03

Answer: a, b

Question: 04

Answer: c

Question: 05

Answer: a

Question: 06

Answer: a

Question: 07

Answer: b, c

Question: 08

Answer: b

Question: 09

Answer: a, c, d

Question: 10

Answer: d

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