Fortinet NSE 7 - ADA 6.3 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Fortinet NSE 7 - ADA 6.3 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Fortinet NSE 7 - ADA 6.3 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Fortinet NSE 7 - Advanced Analytics 6.3 exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Fortinet NSE 7 - ADA 6.3 (NSE 7 Advanced Analytics) Sample Questions:

01. Which two things should you take into consideration before scaling collectors at a customer site?
(Choose two.)
a) Direct log collection
b) Performance monitoring and SIEM collection jobs
c) The types of operating systems running in the network
d) The complexity of the network
02. What is recommended method of adding workers to a FortiSIEM cluster?
a) Add a worker every 25,000 EPS
b) Add a worker every 20,000 EPS
c) Add a worker every 10,000 EPS
d) Add a worker every 15,000 EPS
03. A service provider purchased a licensed EPS of 520 and the total unused events is 72,000. Calculate the total amount of allowed events for the next 3-minute interval.
a) 192,456
b) 192,442
c) 192,446
d) 192,450
04. How often do collectors upload data to the Supervisor?
(Choose two.)
a) Every 20 MB for low EPS environment
b) Every 5 seconds for low EPS environment
c) Every 10 MB for high EPS environment
d) Every 10 seconds for high EPS environment
05. What are the two SQLite databases that are used for baseline data?
(Choose two.)
a) Profile database
b) Event database
c) Weekly database
d) Daily database
06. What is the estimated time that it would take for the collector to reach the maximum buffer size for a 2000 EPS license?
a) 13.88 hours
b) 27.77 hours
c) 55.55 hours
d) 9.25 hours
07. What are two reasons that agents maintain communication with the supervisor after registration?
(Choose two.)
a) To report incoming EPS value
b) To report logs and events
c) To report health and its status
d) To collect new agent template
08. Where can you define automated remediation on FortiSIEM?
a) Integration policy
b) Notification policy
c) Authentication policy
d) Remediation policy
09. During which time period is the license enforcement performed on the number of events received?
a) Events received every minute
b) Events received every two minutes
c) Events received every three minutes
d) Events received every second
10. Which function of Linux is used by FortiSIEM for collecting logs?
a) aureport
b) ausearch
c) autrace
d) auditd


Question: 01

Answer: a, b

Question: 02

Answer: c

Question: 03

Answer: a

Question: 04

Answer: b, c

Question: 05

Answer: a, d

Question: 06

Answer: a

Question: 07

Answer: c, d

Question: 08

Answer: b

Question: 09

Answer: c

Question: 10

Answer: d

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