H3C GB0-713 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform Dumps, GB0-713 Dumps, H3C H3CNE-Cloud PDF, GB0-713 PDF, Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform VCE, H3C Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform Questions PDF, H3C Exam VCE, H3C GB0-713 VCE, Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform Cheat SheetBefore you write the Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform (GB0-713) certification exam, you may have certain doubts in your mind regarding the pattern of the test, the types of questions asked in it, the difficulty level of the questions and time required to complete the questions. These H3C Certified Network Engineer for Cloud (H3CNE-Cloud) sample questions and demo exam help you in removing these doubts and prepare you to take the test.

The best approach to pass your H3C GB0-713 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium H3C GB0-713 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Deploy and Manage the H3C CAS virtualization platform (H3CNE-Cloud) exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

H3C GB0-713 (H3CNE-Cloud) Sample Questions:

01. CAS virtualization storage features aim to provide:
(Choose all that apply)
a) Scalable storage solutions
b) High data redundancy
c) Limited data retrieval options
d) Low data availability
02. In CAS deployment planning, what factors should be considered?
(Choose all that apply)
a) Server specifications
b) Budget constraints
c) Color scheme of the interface
d) Data storage requirements
03. Which H3C product is an example of a cloud computing solution?
a) H3C Magic R100 Router
b) H3C S5120 Switch
c) H3C UIS Hyper-Converged Infrastructure
d) H3C ER3200G2 Firewall
04. Virtualization infrastructure allows for which of the following?
a) Running multiple operating systems on a single physical machine
b) Decreased utilization of physical resources
c) Running a single operating system on multiple physical machines
d) Increased risk of data breaches
05. An effective disaster recovery solution in CAS virtualization should include:
(Choose all that apply)
a) Limited access to backup data
b) Rapid recovery capabilities
c) Infrequent testing of recovery procedures
d) Regular data backups
06. Regular _______ is important in CAS maintenance to prevent data loss.
a) system shutdown
b) data backup
c) hardware removal
d) user restriction
07. Which of the following are types of cloud computing?
(Choose all that apply)
a) Public Cloud
b) Distributed Cloud
c) Private Cloud
d) Hybrid Cloud
08. The life cycle management of virtual machines in CAS includes:
(Choose all that apply)
a) Provisioning and decommissioning
b) Continuous monitoring and optimization
c) Ignoring security updates
d) Limited scalability and flexibility
09. What is a key feature of cloud resource management in a CAS virtualization platform?
a) Static resource allocation
b) Manual intervention for resource distribution
c) Limited scalability
d) Dynamic resource allocation
10. For updating a CAS virtualization platform, the typical command used is _______.
a) delete
b) modify
c) update
d) restart


Question: 01

Answer: a, b

Question: 02

Answer: a, b, d

Question: 03

Answer: c

Question: 04

Answer: a

Question: 05

Answer: b, d

Question: 06

Answer: b

Question: 07

Answer: a, c, d

Question: 08

Answer: a, b

Question: 09

Answer: d

Question: 10

Answer: c

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