Hitachi Vantara HQT-6741 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Hitachi Vantara HQT-6741 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Hitachi Vantara HQT-6741 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Hitachi Vantara Ops Center Administration Professional exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Hitachi Vantara HQT-6741 (Ops Center Administration) Sample Questions:

01. Why is Hitachi Ops Center Administrator considered a valuable tool for data center administrators?
a) It simplifies the management of complex data environments.
b) It offers enhanced tools for video editing.
c) It provides insights into social media trends.
d) It enhances the online gaming experience.
02. External storage migration is utilized for which of the following reasons?
a) To change the color scheme of the user interface
b) To move data between different storage systems
c) To increase the temperature of the storage environment
d) To decrease data security
03. Adaptive Data Reduction (ADR) in Hitachi Ops Center Administrator utilizes which techniques to optimize storage?
(Choose two)
a) Data deduplication
b) Data encryption
c) Compression
d) Blockchain verification
04. Volume specifications typically include which of the following characteristics?
a) Color and design of the physical disk
b) The brand and model of the storage device
c) Capacity, RAID level, and accessibility
d) The operating system of the host server
05. Host Group configurations are essential for what reason?
a) They prevent unauthorized access to the physical storage devices
b) They designate the physical location of storage devices within the data center
c) They are required for all storage arrays to function correctly
d) They allow for the logical grouping of hosts that share similar storage access patterns, simplifying volume management
06. In which scenarios is Adaptive Data Reduction (ADR) particularly beneficial?
(Choose two)
a) When storing large volumes of highly redundant data
b) For databases requiring real-time transaction processing
c) In virtualized environments with many similar virtual machines
d) When data is mostly unique and does not benefit from deduplication
07. What are the key considerations when adding resources to Hitachi Ops Center Administrator for monitoring?
(Choose two)
a) The compatibility of resources with the existing IT infrastructure
b) The physical location of the resources
c) The version of the Hitachi Ops Center Administrator being used
d) The network visibility of the resources
08. Detaching a volume from a server requires which of the following actions in Hitachi Ops Center Administrator?
a) Physically disconnecting the server from the storage array
b) Running a full backup of the volume
c) Unmapping the volume from the host group
d) Rebooting the storage controller
09. In the context of HDLM, how does the concept of ALUA improve storage system performance?
a) By enabling the storage array to communicate the preferred path to the host for optimized access
b) Through manual selection of preferred data paths by the administrator
c) By prioritizing data transfer speeds over security
d) By eliminating the need for multiple paths, thus simplifying the network topology
10. Which of the following statements are true regarding the login process for Hitachi Ops Center Administrator?
(Choose two)
a) It requires biometric authentication.
b) It supports multi-factor authentication.
c) Users can login using social media accounts.
d) It offers a customizable user interface post-login.


Question: 01

Answer: a

Question: 02

Answer: b

Question: 03

Answer: a, c

Question: 04

Answer: c

Question: 05

Answer: d

Question: 06

Answer: a, c

Question: 07

Answer: a, d

Question: 08

Answer: c

Question: 09

Answer: a

Question: 10

Answer: b, d

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