Hitachi Vantara HQT-6701 Certification Exam Sample Questions and Answers

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The best approach to pass your Hitachi Vantara HQT-6701 exam is to challenge and improve your knowledge. To test your learning and identify improvement areas with actual exam format, we suggest you practice with Premium Hitachi Vantara HQT-6701 Certification Practice Exam. The practice test is one of the most important elements of your Hitachi Vantara Storage Performance Analysis with Ops Center Analyzer Professional exam study strategy to discover your strengths and weaknesses, to improve your time management skills and to get an idea of the score you can expect.

Hitachi Vantara HQT-6701 (Storage Performance Analysis with Ops Center Analyzer) Sample Questions:

01. How would you interpret high disk latency in a storage system?
a) Indication of underutilized capacity
b) High efficiency of the caching mechanism
c) Potential disk failure
d) Efficient disk performance
02. ________ is a performance feature of SVOS that optimizes data placement on the disk to improve efficiency.
a) Dynamic Tiering
b) Dynamic Pooling
c) Dynamic Provisioning
d) Dynamic Resizing
03. In a storage system, what does read I/O flow typically involve?
(Choose Two)
a) Parity generation
b) Data verification processes
c) Data movement from disks to cache
d) Data movement from cache to front-end ports
04. Effective interpretation of RAID level performance typically requires understanding of which metrics?
(Choose Three)
a) Power consumption per disk
b) Queue depth per disk
c) Parity calculation times
d) Read/write ratio
e) Rebuild times
05. Which of the following is a characteristic of Near-Line SAS (NL-SAS) drives?
a) Slower but more economical than SAS drives
b) Equal in performance to SSDs
c) Faster than SAS drives
d) Mainly used in consumer electronics
06. The main advantage of using ________ over traditional SSDs is their much lower latency and higher endurance.
a) SAS
b) SCM
c) Flash
07. What role does 'capacity forecasting' play in performance analysis with Ops Center Analyzer?
a) It helps in determining when additional storage is needed based on current trends.
b) It determines the environmental impact of the storage system.
c) It assesses the profitability of the storage investment.
d) It calculates the maximum number of users the system can handle.
08. Why would an administrator configure a high queue depth in a storage array?
a) To increase latency
b) To handle more simultaneous I/O operations
c) To prioritize certain types of I/O requests
d) To decrease latency
09. What distinguishes Flash storage from traditional spinning disk technology?
(Choose Two)
a) Higher data security
b) Faster data access speeds
c) Absence of moving parts
d) Lower energy consumption
10. A low cache hit ratio in a storage system might suggest which of the following issues?
a) Disk drives are too fast
b) Too much cache allocated to the system
c) Front-end ports are underutilized
d) Not enough cache memory


Question: 01

Answer: c

Question: 02

Answer: a

Question: 03

Answer: c, d

Question: 04

Answer: c, d, e

Question: 05

Answer: a

Question: 06

Answer: b

Question: 07

Answer: a

Question: 08

Answer: b

Question: 09

Answer: b, c

Question: 10

Answer: d

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